Netflix Raises Blu-ray Fees: Time to Choose Blockbuster?


• 3 DVDs at a time, unlimited per month, with Blu-ray

Netflix: $20.99

BBV: $19.99

To sum it up, if you rent one or two DVDs at a time, you'll end up paying either the same or more by switching to Blockbuster. If you're renting three DVDs at a time, though, Blockbuster will end up costing slightly less. Of course, this isn't taking into account the perks each company offers -- namely, online streaming from Netflix and free in-store exchanges with Blockbuster -- so be sure to consider those in your decision, too.

Netflix's new rates go into effect starting April 27. If you don't want to pay them, you'll need to go into your account settings and disable Blu-ray access before that date.