National No-Print Day: Will You Take the Pledge?


"We know that approximately 336,000,000 sheets of paper are wasted daily -- that's more than 40,000 trees discarded every day in America. We as individuals and companies are failing to make the link between printing waste and its negative impacts on our landfills, natural resources and the environment," said Toshiba America executive Bill Melo, in a statement.

Toshiba promises to plant a lot of trees--some 1.5 million by 2025--if you take the following pledge:

"Being of sound ink and toner, I honor the sacrifices made by Tree and his leafy colleagues, and do hereby give them the day off on National No Print Day, the 23rd day of October, 2012, a day on which I will steadfastly refrain from printing, copying, and otherwise causing hardworking trees to lose their pulp."

Will you take the pledge?

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