My Brawny Desktop Can Whip Your Wimpy Laptop


A desktop display allows you to go big. Really big. Want an with a 27-inch LED-backlit screen? A 46-inch ? Buy a desktop. Of course, you can use a monster monitor with a laptop, but most people don't need two screens. And in case you're wondering, typically max out at 18 inches or so.

Too obvious? Perhaps, but still worth a mention. According to , the typical laptop user will experience a "noticeable reduction" in battery run time after 18 to 24 months of use. (In my experience, it's more like 12 months or less.) Replacement batteries are expensive too, ranging from $136 (six-cell) to $156 (nine-cell) for some laptops. The desktop PC owner is free of battery worries--well, unless he or she owns a laptop as well.