Mobile 4G Wi-Fi Hotspot: iPad vs. NetZero vs. Jetpack


In order to share a data connection and use the iPad as a 4G hotspot, the cheapest data plan you can get with Verizon is the 5GB plan for $50 per month. You can connect up to five devices at once.

NetZero 4G Hotspot

NetZero is most well known as a free or cheap dial-up Internet provider, but it hasn't been heard from in quite some time. It emerged from the ashes recently, though, to .

The NetZero 4G Hotspot device itself costs $99. NetZero claims it will run for more than 6 hours when fully charged, and it can connect up to eight devices at a range of up to 150 feet.

The nice thing is that NetZero provides 200MB per month of bandwidth for free. The caveat is that the free 200MB plan is only good for a year, or until you upgrade to a paid plan--whichever comes first. Once you switch off the free plan you can never go back.