Mitigating the risks of BYOD with mobile application management


Proper training, good tires, headlights and seat belts are a few of the preparations needed to operate a vehicle safely. Similarly, there are specific strategies and technologies that can be employed to avoid the hazards frequently associated with BYOD. Of course, there is also always the option to implement BYOD without any accompanying tools and protections. However, like driving a vehicle off a cliff, the hazards will be hard to avoid.

In particular, (MAM) presents an intriguing option for preparing for and avoiding the hazards of BYOD. Before analyzing how MAM can be an effective BYOD accident avoidance technology, it is important to acknowledge the three primary, high-level considerations that must be taken into account when it comes to enterprise BYOD implementations. These are:

* To manage or not to manage: When it comes to BYOD, the first question every enterprise must ask is: How much management of user-owned devices connecting to corporate resources does the company want to be involved in?


This question is critical because the degree to which an enterprise is involved in managing various aspects of user-owned mobile devices has consequences. For example, a key anticipated benefit of implementing BYOD is often no longer having to fully manage employees' mobile devices. In return, support costs are hopefully reduced. However, this aspiration is obviously negated by electing to completely manage user-owned devices.