Microsoft, Zend boost PHP for Windows


-- Zend is announcing an agreement with MySQL to boost integration between Zend products and the MySQL open source database.

-- Zend is releasing an update to Zend Core for IBM, which implements support DB2 Version 9 and Informix Dynamic Server 10.

-- The latest pre-release of Zend Framework is being made available to provide a foundation for building Web sites based on the MVC (Model-View-Controller) pattern. Zend Framework also is being fitted with an implementation of Google's Gdata API, to provide a protocol for PHP applications to read and write data to and from Google applications such as Google Calendar.

-- Version 5.5 of the Zend Studio IDE is being announced, featuring Java integration, support for Zend Framework, and improved source code management.

-- Zend is announcing ZendBox, a hosted server for running the PHP 5 technology stack. Users can deploy solutions for operating PHP applications. ZendBox features hardware, an operating system, PHP 5 and utilities supported by Zend, and a partner network of hosting providers. Rackspace will be the first provider for ZendBox.