Max Payne 3 details:New Max, New setting, internal monologue


Brazil is the fifth-largest country in the world, by area and population, and is notoriously known to house a number of the world's worst drug traffickers, street gangs and kidnappers. The number one cause of death among the youth is murder.

Sao Paolo's young gangs are amongst the most violent in the world, and the most dangerous of those is said to be the Primeiro Comando da Capital. The PCC has organized prison breaks, prison riots, drug trafficking, highway robberies and kidnappings since it was formed in 1993. With one gun for every 75 people in the country and 95% of those firearms obtained illegally, Max will need every skill he has in order to survive.

As an interesting side note to the development of the game, rumors have it that Rockstar Vancouver won't be the only Rockstar working on the project, as the team behind , Rockstar Toronto, will be helping in Max Payne 3's development, with promises of the return of "Max's ever-present internal monologue." As if we had any doubt.

Max Payne 3 is set for release this Winter 2009 and will be released on Xbox 360, PS3, PC.