Maddog on Linux and ruling the world


None actually. We are in the process of radically changing the organization, the charter, the mission, and overhauling our Web site. I hope by the time your readers see this interview that things will have been re-done and life will go on. However, LI has groups of people who have told me that they will join as soon as we are ready to accept them, so I think membership will grow very rapidly. We will have several international groups joining and participating from the first day.

As we were setting up the Web site, I had the "Join" mechanism turned on for a couple of days, and 200 people signed up even without my asking them to do so. I hope for a lot of people to join and participate.

What are some challenges you face in heading up Linux International and doing everything else you do?

Time. I wish there was 50 hours in the day, or else it would be great if I did not have to sleep. It would be wonderful if transporters were available like Star Trek, and aeroplanes did not take time to go from one place to another. Having enough time to do everything I need and still have time to talk to people as friends is difficult.

A second challenge is getting others to see the vision also. Vulcan mind-melding would also be a great help here.