Macalope Weekly: Celebrity App Store approval process


Lots of excitement this week as the hot rumor buzz had Twitter. Or Electronic Arts. Or maybe a professional sports team.

The Macalope's so old he remembers the days when the rumor would have been the other way around. Even though Twitter doesn't make any money. Some of you kids crowding the Macalope's lawn may be too young to remember, but the 1990s were a hard time to be an Apple fan. People were literally tripping over each other to spread rumors about who was going to buy Apple. Yes, literally! The Macalope remembers seeing a 14-person pile-up outside of Sun headquarters one time back in 1995, and now look at Sun.

Ha! That's a trick! You can't! Sun got gobbled up by Oracle!

Also, the Macalope didn't say "Simon says."