LulzSec attacks gaming sites ... just for laughs


An Escapist spokesman said that access to the company's website was "intermittent" for three hours Tuesday because of the attack. "Our system administrators are still reviewing the situation to assess whether anything occurred other than a DDoS attack," he said in an e-mail message.

After its attack on the Escapist, LulzSec invited people to call in via telephone and recommend new targets. It then began attacking gaming sites Eve Online, Minecraft and League of Legends. The hackers also said that they hit FinFisher, an IT intrusion monitoring company owned by Gamma Group.

Late Tuesday Eve Online and the Escapist websites remained offline, but League of Legends, Minecraft and FinFisher were all operational.

"And that concludes our DDoS party: Escapist Magazine, Eve Online, Minecraft, League of Legends + 8 phone requests. #TitanicTakeoverTuesday," LulzSec said in a Twitter message.

An hour later, LulzSec was again inviting followers to call in. "Now accepting calls from true lulz fans - let's all laugh together at... gamers. "