Lots of "people" you interact with online are sockpuppets


If you haven't been following the , here's a brief recap: HBGary's CEO announced a few weeks ago that he was going to expose the members of the Anonymous group. This turned out to be a really bad idea because HBGary's security was, shall we say, sub-par, and without much fuss, Anonymous members swooped in, defaced HBGary's Web site and stole all of their email.

The trove of emails turned out to be and showed that HBGary was guilty of offering to perform all sorts of unethical services to take down Wikileaks.

Moreover, along with those revelations was a message from , a with an attached soliciting bids for sockpuppet management software!

From :

"Anonymous is trying to figure out just what U.S. Central Command wants with software that can create and manage phony identities on social networks. Called Operation Metal Gear, the effort is aimed at shining light on software that has the potential to set up phony Facebook, Twitter and other social media accounts and could help operatives manage them so they seem like they were set up by real people, with the apparent object of influencing and gathering data about the actual real people they friend."