Life After Google Labs: 5 Cool Google Experimental Apps


Some of the Google Lab's search experiment, such as Instant Search, have already gone mainstream, but here's one that hasn't, and it's especially useful for anyone who has trouble reading a cluttered search results page, or has limited vision.

Accessible View lets users navigate search results quickly and easily, using just the keyboard. As you navigate, items are magnified for easier viewing. If you use a screen reader or talking browser, the relevant information is spoken automatically as you navigate.

One of the annoying problems I have is coordinating events with people in different time zones. Sure, I have a world clock app, but World Clock added to your Google calendar is even better. Keep track of the time around the world. When you click an event, you'll see the start time in selected time zones as well.

Jump to Date lets you navigate to dates in the distant future or past with just a click. And Event Attachments lets you attach a Google document, spreadsheet, or presentation to an event on your calendar.