Kids Want iPads, Parents Shudder


To be fair, older kids (10-12) could put the iPad to better use than those in the single digits. But $500 is a luxury outlay, particularly when the iPod touch starts at $229-and it's tied for second on the kids' wish list.

Cheaper holiday options? Well, the Nintendo DS// was fourth in Nielsen's kid survey, followed by the . Interestingly, Microsoft's motion sensor, which some analysts predict will be the , was 14th on the list.

Microsoft, obviously, needs to do a better job of reaching out to the youngsters. After all, Kinect's hands-free gaming experience seems like a natural for the 12-and-under crowd. Maybe a barrage of Nickelodeon ads will boost Kinect's kid cred?

Remember kids, Santa loves you. But his credit cards are maxed out, and you won't be getting an iPad this year. How about an Etch-A-Sketch?

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