It's Clear Why Software Patents Need to Disappear


1. Software Is Just Math

It is not possible to patent a mathematical concept, and for the very same reasons it should not be possible to patent software. Why? Because all software is fundamentally just a series of mathematical operations that are performed on inputs to generate results, whether a numerical value, text on a page or music from your speakers.

Just as it would be ridiculous to grant a patent on the algorithm for calculating "," for example, so it is equally ridiculous to allow patents on software, all of which can be reduced to a set of comparable mathematical algorithms. The fact that such patents are routinely granted is a huge signal that those in charge of granting patents don't really understand what it is being patented.

2. Vast Sums Are Being Wasted

As Google's Motorola Mobility purchase vividly illustrates, patents are wildly expensive. They also take up an insane amount of time to apply for and win. Imagine if all those resources could be spent on innovation instead.