IT Outsourcing Reaching Out to Reach Further


"Some advantages of a multi-service provider are competitive pricing, technical expertise and practices can be shared. [Your company] can also lower the business risk in case the service provider closed down," shares Rabulan who outsources accounting software, hospital information system, payroll, and web development.

Meraclo's Cuan shares that the power distribution company has taken in multiple service providers, specifically for their enterprise asset management, enterprise database, and ERP software. Cuan notes that they have limited their selves because they "try to make sure that there's sufficient scale."

He also maintains that it is important to build good relationships with their service providers. "We build partnerships with them so that if they grow, we grow. I there's a new solution from them, we benefit from the solution."

However for Andaya, outsourcing from multiple service providers is also a strategy for the company. "We tend to spread out the work to many different firms mainly because of data privacy issues," says Andaya. "We believe no one firm should know our overall strategy so spreading out the work to different companies is the best way to ensure that our information is not used in any wrongful way."

In general, outsourcing from single or multiple service providers should work to help you further your company's goals. Cinco, who also believes in outsourcing from different service providers, shares that as "technology keeps changing at a fast pace, we wanted to maintain our competitiveness by tapping these technologies or resources which would greatly benefit our objectives."