Is your intellectual property secure? Whitelisting can help secure against advanced persistent threats


In a , the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) disclosed it received 47 APT attempts, 13 of which successfully infiltrated agency computers in 2011. Breaches in NASA's IT networks can negatively affect national security or lead to significant financial loss. In addition, this type of threat leaves NASA's proprietary information and even blueprints for some of nation's most competitive technological innovations vulnerable. [Also see: ""]

In fact, one of the 13 attacks reported in 2011 targeted the Deep Space Network at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) and was linked to Chinese IP addresses. According to NASA, with full-system access to key JPL networks undetected intruders could:

· Modify, copy, or delete sensitive files.

· Add, modify, or delete user accounts for mission-critical JPL systems.

· Upload hacking tools to steal user credentials, further compromising other NASA systems.