Is Apple destroying the Internet?


This may be a real complaint about Apple iOS devices, but it is not an issue with Apple OS X devices -- you can download and run anything you want to, though a feature in may make it a bit harder to do so in the future. Even if it is a real complaint, it does not hurt enough people enough to cause anyone but the purists to complain -- it's hard to justify a position that Apple inhibits iOS innovation when the Apple iOS App Store includes . 

While, as a purist, I'd like to see more ability to create and load applications on iOS devices, it only takes a quick glance at the world to see how messy that can quickly get. What I really want to see is an iPad-like device that runs OS X but can also run all the iOS applications. Maybe a MacBook Air with a fold-over screen so it could be used both ways. That combination is one that should worry Brin, but not for Internet openness reasons.

Disclaimer: Harvard is generally not seen as an institution that worries all that much, at least about how people perceive it, so the above commentary is mine, not the university's.

in Network World's LAN & WAN section.