Iran admits expanded cyberattacks, claims it's identified hackers


On Sunday, reported that the Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology had repelled a cyber assault, but did not put a date to the attack.

That ministry, like other Iranian agencies that earlier admitted attacks, claimed it had come out unscathed.

Also over the weekend, Iranian state-sponsored news media said officials had identified the hackers responsible for the original round of attacks aimed at the country's oil infrastructure. "The nature of the attack and the agents behind it have been identified, but because we are still working on the case, it cannot be announced," quoted deputy oil minister Hamdollah Mohammadnejad saying on Saturday.

Press TV is a 24-hour English-language network operated by the government-owned Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting conglomerate.

Iran's government has not been shy about claiming it's the victim of cyberattacks, and regularly blames Western capitals. Typically, as in the case of the newest round, officials deny that any damage has been done and applaud the country's defenses for protecting important assets.