IPv6: The essential guide


Comcast lengthens IPv6 lead: Comcast continues to outpace rival U.S. cable companies in the development of next-generation Internet connectivity and content. It recently was among the first carriers to demonstrate end-to-end IPv6 transmission for residential broadband customers. Though Comcast also plans to offer transit services to wholesale customers.  



Feds strike deal on IPv6 testing: The U.S. government has reportedly struck a compromise between network vendors – Cisco and some others wanted to conduct their own compliance and interoperability tests -- and independent test labs. The USGv6 Test Program, run by the National Institute of Standards and Technology, requires all network hardware and software vendors by next July to pass IPv6 compliance and interoperability tests before they can sell their wares to THE plum account – the U.S. federal government.  

Feds says IPv6 is a priority: In June 2008, all federal agencies met an Office of Management and Budget deadline to demonstrate that their backbone networks were IPv6 capable. In June 2009, the Federal CIO Council issued a road map that disclosed the next steps agencies should be taking toward IPv6 deployment. The road map says every federal CIO should develop a business case for IPv6 and integrate IPv6 into their agency's enterprise architecture and capital investment plans.