iPad Stress Tests: Buy a Case and Don't Drop It


The glass did start showing signs of physical damage after a couple of drops onto concrete. But even in those extreme circumstances, the screen cracked only after we dropped the iPad face-down onto the pavement.

The back of the iPad, on the other hand, is a scratch magnet. Keys and the aforementioned nail dinged it up significantly, so a protective case is still a good idea if you plan on toting it around alongside other objects in a bag.

After our iPad became fully inoperable from the combination of water damage and drops onto concrete, we went ahead and threw a baseball at it. The iPad was no match for a Little League-caliber fastball, so if you're sitting in foul-ball territory with it, bring a glove.

You'll also be happy to know that an average-weight adult can sit on the iPad without inflicting any damage. It just isn't very comfortable.

All in all, the iPad is a solidly built machine, but the pixel problems after only a few drops onto a carpeted floor surprised us a bit. This gadget has a lot of potential to be used by kids, so you'll definitely want to buy a protective case if you have a youngster at home.