Internet's biggest issue? IPv6 transition, new ARIN CEO says


What I would be telling them is that the Internet is going to have two protocols on it — IPv4 and IPv6 — and over time the IPv6 one is going to grow a lot faster than the IPv4 one. Unless they want to get caught on a backwater of the Internet, they need to take their public-facing Internet services – the ones that support their partners and customers — and make them both IPv4 and IPv6 enabled. It's not that hard to do, but it does require work.

Is there anything else significant going on at ARIN besides IPv6 transition?

One of the things that ARIN needs to focus on is making sure that its services are easy to use by the Internet community. That's an operational matter. We just announced our ARIN online initiative. Clients can come online and update their registration information and submit tickets. We're going to continue in that vein. ARIN is going to get more aggressive about using Internet technology.