Infosys' legal problems prompt analysts' concerns


David Rutchik, a partner at the outsourcing advisory firm PaceHarmon, said he sees a systemic issue in the outsourcing industry that goes beyond Infosys and includes any firm that relies heavily on visa-holding workers to deliver services.

"It is more and more difficult for any of these companies, Infosys or its competitors" to bring in visa-holding worker "in the numbers and with the ease that they previously have," Rutchik said.

He cites the broader political climate, the action by Congress to significantly raise H-1B visas fees, and the increasing scrutiny of visa applications by immigration officials.

Rutchik said it's important for users of offshore clients to know the mix of visa users because the visas allow them to be more competitive.

"They can charge less for them [visa holders], win business against their competitors, and still maintain their margin," Rutchik said.