How spyware nearly sent a teacher to prison


So anyway, he gave me a ration of shit and he said, 'You're going to go home and you're not subbing for a while.'

That night he called me at home and said I wasn't working for that school anymore. He said, 'Right now, we just can't have you here. The kids are talking about the sites in the classroom. They peeked and they saw a few things, and we can't have that. And a couple of parents called and they were kind of upset about the kids seeing things in the classroom.'

A couple of days go by and I never get anymore phone calls about [substitute teaching]. Then all of a sudden, the police called. They asked me to come down and give a statement. They told me when I went in that I was going to be arrested for 10 counts of risk of injury. They just took my picture and said, 'See ya.'

IDGNS: How did you feel?

Amero: I was numb. I was like, 'What is going on?' I had no idea.