How Scott Brown friended, tweeted and LOLed his way into the people's U.S. Senate seat


was ready in less than a week, and it was designed with specific goals in mind, says Luidhardt, who provides his own glimpse inside the new media efforts , and details of the "moneybomb" online fundraising project  

"Rob and I both understood if Scott was going to be successful, he was going to have to organize effectively online," he says. With an initial budget of just $1 million for the entire campaign, "they wouldn't win via a TV ad blitz."

But Brown had a different kind of capital. "Scott had [already] invested in online media," Luidhardt says. "He had about 4,000 Facebook fans and a decent-sized e-mail list already."

That was the foundation. "We made a conscious effort to focus on building up his social media following and the 'Brown Brigade,' a new social networking organization," Luidhardt says. The was created on the social network platform, which provided a key way for volunteers to come together, coordinate and organize, entirely on their own.