How 30 years of Star Wars technology changed lives forever


Another area where Star Wars science fiction is increasingly finding its way into present day reality is in the field of bionics. The exhibition has a number of items from the film and medical industry on display.

"If you look at Luke Skywalker he had a bionic hand and Darth Vader was mostly machine," Connell said. "And it's like Darth got the rough deal there because Luke's bionic hand looked like a normal hand whereas Darth had to go for the bad mask -- but everything else seemed to work well."

Connell said the progress of medical prosthesis is "just astounding" and in every area we are building a future that was offered in Star Wars in medical prosthesis.

On display are the medical droids standing over Darth Vader putting him back together in Episode III: Revenge of the Sith.

"I am particularly fond of the interrogator droid," Connell said. "I love special effects where to design was achieved by scanning the room to see what could be found. In the interrogator droid you can see a set of birthing forceps, a clamp from the laboratory and a huge syringe. I don't know how it's going to get to anybody from that position, but nevertheless that's the movie for you."