Here's how to build your own Yahoo Pipe


To test if everything is working so far, I simply click on the Fetch module and its input is displayed in a Debugger field at the bottom of the editor. The Debugger shows that headlines are indeed being generated by the Fetch module.

I click on a round button on the bottom of the Fetch module and drag the flexible Pipe that is instantly generated down to the Pipe Output module and I have a working Pipe, combining RSS feeds from three publications.

To add more news, I decide to add search results from Yahoo and Google.

From the URL category, I drag in a URLBuilder module. Hovering the mouse over the ? symbol in this module pops up a message that informs me "This module builds URLs in either traditional or Web 2.0 style query-string format from a series of input fields."

One of the cool features of this module is that it lets you generate a customized search in Yahoo News, for example, and take the RSS feed from the results of the search and paste it into the module's Base text input field. The module then parses out all the key/value pairs from the query string of the URL generated by the search.