Has Steve Ballmer gone bonkers?


It's possible that this is merely Fear Undercertainty & Doubt 2.0. Or maybe Ballmer thought "Heck, I'm the CEO of an enormous tech company. My first name is Steve. If the reality distortion field works for Jobs, it can work for me too."

But I'm thinking he's starting to lose it. I'm serious.

Think about it this way. You just and into the new one. He was preceded out the door by a half-dozen of your top lieutenants -- the ones who weren't already lured away by Google or Facebook. Financial analysts are asking you point blank if your company is, if not toast, then possibly . Despite buckets of profits, .

You'd probably go crazy too. And he's never exactly been the most even-keeled guy on good days. (Remember the video?)

If I had an office anywhere near the C-level on Microsoft's campus, I'd want to make sure all the sharp implements were carefully hidden and all the chairs were nailed to the floor.