Hands on with iOS 6: Music


More notable is the absence of buttons to download single iCloud Match tracks. You can still download all the tracks from a playlist, an album, or a particular artist, but the capability to grab individual tracks is gone. (You can download individual songs you've purchased from the iTunes Store via the iTunes app, however.) This could prove inconvenient for those who prefer to download tracks on-the-go via a cellular connection, as you're now compelled to download an album's worth of tracks when you may want only one.

Those few people who used Ping may be disappointed to find that on their iPad they can no longer recommend a track or create a post based on a currently playing track. (If you weren't aware of the feature, under iOS 5 you'd find the Thumbs Up and Post icons on either side of the timeline on an iPad's Now Playing screen.) Given that Apple has officially deep-sixed Ping, those icons would do you very little good now.