Hands on with iOS 4.3


In the past, iOS updates haven't often sparked a lot of contention, but a howl arose when iOS 4.2 changed the behavior of the iPad's hardware switch. Now, in an equally rare move, Apple has walked back its decision and given users a choice.

Originally, the switch next to the iPad's volume controls could be used to lock the iPad's screen orientation in either portrait or landscape--great if you were, say, reading in bed.

In 4.2, under the rubric of consistency across iOS devices, Apple changed the switch so that it instead muted the device's sound. (Well, in some cases.) Instead, you could only lock the screen by double-clicking the Home button, swiping right to bring up the new control panel, and tapping the new software orientation lock control. While it was serviceable for those who knew where to find it, actually discovering the control was difficult (one colleague of mine, lamenting the demise of the hardware lock, didn't even know the software control existed until I showed him).

But now, in 4.3, Apple has given users the option to use the switch either to lock the orientation or to mute the sound. Navigate to Settings -> General on your iPad and scroll down until you find the "Use Side Switch to" preference. Don't worry: whichever option you don't pick will still be accessible via the multitasking shelf's control panel. And remember, you can still hold the Volume Down control for a couple seconds to quickly mute the iPad.