Hands on with Google Drive


One caveat for heavy Google Docs users: Once you sign up, Drive will replace your Docs tab on the Web. Though it doesn’t get rid of your saved documents, it does move a few things around.

Within the Drive tab on the Web, your documents have now been sorted into two categories: My Drive, and Shared With Me. Even if you’ve chosen not to sync Google Docs on your local drive, any Google document you personally own, along with any folders you’ve made, will show up under My Drive on the Web; Shared With Me contains any document that’s been shared to you. As such, documents you don’t own will not be synced by default to your Drive—you can add shared files by dragging them from Shared With Me to My Drive.

As with Google Docs before it, you can easily share a document or external file with others on Google Drive, though it requires using the Web interface.