Google Web Toolkit adds HTML5 canvas backing


in the new version of App Engine allows for programmatically deleting tasks instead of managing this manually from the admin console.

JetBrains is releasing its PHPStorm 2.0 PHP IDE. It features support for PHP 5.3 namespaces and closures, ECMAscript 5, and Less and SASS (Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets) extensions for cascading style seets. Less features a dynamic stylesheet language while SASS extends CSS with nested rules, variables, and other features.

Version 2.0 also has a streamlined UI. Debugging has been improved with a zero-configuration debugger, JetBrains said. More code inspection is featured as well as automatic code completion and Github repository and Mercurial source code management integrations. Editors are included for SQL queries.

in InfoWorld's Developer World Channel.