Google to promote Web speed on new developer site


Most Google products, from its core search engine for consumers to its collaboration and communication applications for businesses, run on the Web. The company worries that performance constraints beyond its control may hold back development of its services.

Some technologies that Google hopes developers will join it in improving are core online technologies such as HTML and TCP/IP. For Google, a prime example of how Web performance can be enhanced is the development of HTML 5, which provides a major improvement in how Web applications process Javascript, Google believes.

"We're hoping the community will spend some time on the basic protocols of the Internet," Rabbat said. "There's quite a bit of optimization that can be done [in that area]."

Through the new Web site, Google also wants to promote the creation and use of tools for performance measurement, troubleshooting and tuning. In addition, Google will use the site to push for more broadband access around the world.