Google to Microsoft: Support SVG

The SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) specification may be experiencing a renaissance, but it would sure be helpful if Microsoft's Internet Explorer browser supported SVG, a Google official argued at a technical conference on Friday.

SVG is a World Wide Web Consortium specification for high-quality, interactive graphics on the Web using XML. Other browsers such as Mozilla Firefox and Opera support it, said Brad Neuberg, a developer advocate at Google and a member of the Open Web Advocacy group. "I think SVG has a really special history," he said at the conference at Google offices in Mountain View, Calif. "I'm just blown away by the kind of level of passion and the level of commitment."

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"Folks want to be able to do drawing on the Web. They want SVG and Canvas. There's a clear market demand, so developers want this," said Neuberg.

A renaissance is happening with SVG similar to what happened with DHTML, Neuberg said. Hindering progress, however, is a lack of native support for the standard in IE. Developers, Neuberg said, have had to use a workaround: SVG Web, a JavaScript library enabling use of SVG in Internet Explorer and other browsers.

But SVG Web is limited, according to Neuberg: "SVG Web, it's not a 'Get Out of Jail Free' card for IE. The library will always be slower than native support."