Google Squared Gets Update, Presents More Data


The update also adds the ability to sort data and export from a Square to a or a CSV file.

"For example, you can build a square for [], add more items and columns, and examine the relationship between the literacy rate and GDP per capita. Once you've built your square to contain all the information you need, you can export the square to Google Spreadsheets and ."

My take: Google Squared is taking on a very difficult problem--collecting facts from all over the Web and presenting them in a useful form. It doesn't quite manage that, yet, but the task is enormously complex and it is good to see progress being made.

Google says that much work needs to be done before Squared will leave the experimental stage.

"In its experimental stage, Squared demonstrates an important future direction in search: understanding structured data from across the web to build new tools for organizing and presenting information," the Google bloggers said.