Google's software-defined/OpenFlow backbone drives WAN links to 100% utilization


No, it is replicated and distributed for fault tolerance. And again, from a community perspective and certainly from our own perspective, coming up with the right software architectures to have in an SDN paradigm, replicated distributed control is fundamental. And getting that right in a repeatable way will be a very important challenge for the community in the next few years.

OK. Anything that we didn't touch on that you think is important to get out?

One of the key points here is that the Internet has been remarkably successful and really couldn't have gotten to the point that it's gotten to without fully decentralized control and operation. But for it to get to the next level it does require logically centralized control. In other words, logical centralization can be fundamentally more efficient. We have built these amazing protocols over a 40-year period and now we're essentially transitioning to maybe the next step in the .

in Network World's LAN & WAN section.