Google+: No Comments?

Google+ now has , but data shows that once we’re signed up for Google's social networking site, we lose interest in it quickly.

The average post has less than one +1, less than one comment, and is re-shared less than once, says Business metrics firm . That means a majority of us post information that doesn’t get noticed, and that lack of notice likely is the reason why many of us don’t come back, or that we come back very rarely.

RJMetrics found the average Google+ user posts once every 12 days, and 30 percent of all users who make one post never make a second one. Even after five posts, there’s still a 15 percent chance the user will not post again.

What we see here is the proof of the criticism of Google's social networking site that was leveled by critics last year as activity started to decline. I noticed the drop-off myself--even a month after the social network’s public debut in September of last year, posts seemed to thin out quite a bit.

Average activity on Google+ decreases month after month for the average user, RJMetrics found. The same thing happens with newer users, so the cycle continues and makes Google+ look even more desolate.