Google+ may be linked to new online music store, report says


Earlier this month, Google CEO Larry Page said he expects that Google+ will be "transforming" the company and all of its services.

Analysts were quick to say that Google+ could be linked to various Google services and pieces of the social network, like Circles or messaging, could be woven into services like Google Maps or Google Docs.

Just last week, Vic Gundotra, a Google engineering senior vice president, said with the Google Apps cloud-based office suite.

Much like Spotify lets users automatically alert Facebook friends to the songs they're listening to, Google+ could do the same with the company's own music store, observers noted.

"So I'm on Google+ and I see you there," said Kerravala. "You're listening to some new Lady Gaga song and it prompts me to go buy it. It's all integrated. Instead of having to go to Facebook, iTunes and Hotmail, you can live your life in Google."