Google Drive reaction roundup: It's good, but what took it so long?


"It's no longer tapping into the pent-up, unsatisfied demand for a decent cloud storage and sync service," she concluded. "People who use Google Docs may try it, but if they're already satisfied with the alternatives ... they may just skip it."

said that Google needed to do more work on its mobile user interface if it wanted Drive to be a true competitor with Dropbox. The biggest issue with the mobile version of the service, said Gunther, was the lack of user control over how to best organize data. Instead of being able to create multiple subfolders to separate different data for different projects, everything he uploaded onto the cloud got lumped into the same folder. While the full desktop version does allow the creation of new folders, Gunther noted that it defeats the purpose of having your files available everywhere if you can't organize them the same way everywhere.

"I'm not seeing options to create folders or anything intuitive like that on the mobile app," he said. "Everything I upload goes to one central location instead of separate areas. ... With Dropbox I can send documents to a documents folder, videos to the same, app backups to a backup folder and even create new ones."

Despite his quibbles, though, Gunther did says that he was "really liking the quickness of uploads, the ease of use and the entire system as a whole."

also had a generally positive impression of Google Drive and in particular singled out the service's search features, which are able to not only search for keywords within documents but scan pictures for text and well-known images that it can use to deliver search results. For instance, just having a picture of the Eiffel Tower without anything labeling it as such would be enough to get it to show up in a search query for "Eiffel." However, Mossberg said that the search component did not work as well when searching for more generic terms within pictures. In other words, if you had a picture of something that was obviously a mountain, the search engine wouldn't retrieve it if you searched for "mountain."