Google Defends Against Claims of Rigged Search Results


As for Katz's declaration that changes Google makes to its algorithms have punished his company, Singhal wrote that Google makes more than 500 changes to its algorithms a year so as to help users, not websites.

"Our algorithms are always designed to give users the most relevant results -- and sometimes the best result isn't a website, but a map, a weather forecast, a fact, a quick answer, or specialized image, shopping, flight, or movie results. And that's not just Google; Bing, Yahoo and other search engines do the same thing," he wrote.

Most interesting, though, is Singhal's advice that if anyone doesn't like Google's search results, they can go ahead and use a different engine -- he even shared links directly to Bing, Yahoo, DuckDuckGo and Google Minus Google.

Whether or not you like what Google is doing, you can't deny it has pluck.

To check out the rest of Singhal's assertions, visit the where he also says some of the company's largest advertisers are competitors and that "the great thing about the openness of the Internet is that if users don't find our results relevant and useful, they can easily navigate to Nextag, Amazon, Yelp, Bing or any other website." Follow Christina on and for even more tech news and commentary and follow on Twitter, too.