Google Chair Schmidt to Boston University grads: 'You can write the code for all of us'


You don’t need to become an aid worker or a teacher (though, I obviously applaud those who do). You don’t need to be an engineer (though, I’m pretty sure I’d support that, too). Everyone–all of you–can make their mark by creating new standards of brilliance and innovation.

And, those standards can spread — can scale – they can scale in ways once unimaginable. The collective intelligence of our society, our version of the Borg, is really quite different.

Think of this as a new society, with shared norms and values, that crosses continents and unites all of us. The empowerment of each of us empowers all of us; and the distinctive feature of your new world is that you can be unique while being completely connected – never been possible before — a true fulfillment of the American Dream.

You see, computers can do amazing things. Those things in your pockets–they contain power inside them that your proud parents, your grandparents in the audience never could have possibly imagined.

These computers, they have speed. They have memory. They have intricately complicated wiring and unfathomably complex circuitry.