Google Buys Jambool: Social Networking Battle Begins


Meanwhile, Google has kept quiet about the Jambool acquisition and is being especially elusive about the company's plans to build a social networking site. Google's CEO Eric Schmidt , but did say that "the world doesn't need a copy of the same thing," which likely means Google Me won't be an exact replica of Facebook.

Google has now , many of which are potential components of its . Before buying Jambool for , Google for between $180 million and $230 million. is a media company that develops games, widgets, and applications designed specifically to be used in social media, and are responsible for Facebook apps such as SuperPoke. Google also , the company responsible for FarmVille and Mafia Wars, among others.

No matter what Google is or is not saying, it's readily apparent the company is preparing to battle Facebook on its own territory. Let's hope Google Me isn't another social networking failure for the company; Google , a collaborative Web site, and experienced with Google Buzz.