Givit for iPhone and iPad


Givit lets you store up to 2GB of videos for free. Ive been using the service since late last year, and Im in no danger of running into my limit, though admittedly, my videos tend to be of the 30-second Oh, isnt that cute? variety. If you need more storage, Givit offers monthly and annual subscriptions; for example, 10GB of storage will run you $30 per year, while 50GB costs $100 annually.

Givit has a number of little features that I find impressive. You can retroactively remove someones ability to watch your video, for instance, and the app allows the people you share with to comment on videos. But really, the seamless sharing with people you explicitly choose is Givits shining feature. If thats something youve craved, both the app and the service deserve your attention.