Geist warns of ACTA sovereignty setback


It does not appear to be part of the treaty. Nor should it be -- this is supposed to be about commercial counterfeiting, yet the agreement extends far beyond that already.

What other issues do you think New Zealanders should be alert to in ACTA and in broader attempts to protect intellectual property online?

Despite its size, New Zealand has been one of the most important countries in the world on copyright policy. For example, on issues such as anti-circumvention legislation (legal protection for digital locks), it has carved out a "made-in-NZ" approach that is frequently cited as a model for other countries considering similar legislation.

It would be a serious setback if New Zealand's ability to craft sensible copyright policy solutions was lost. ACTA threatens to undermine the ability for countries like New Zealand (and Canada) to make their own choices, as copyright policy shifts from Wellington to Washington.