Gartner: Carriers should partner with Google on initiatives


Invested heavily in static and dynamic location information as a means of taking advantage of advertising for location-aware applications. Google also wants to bypass device manufacturers and carriers as the gatekeepers of location data, Winogradoff said.

Promoted white space spectrum usage in the 800 MHz block with Microsoft, Hewlett Packard Co., Dell and others. The spectrum is likely to be released as an open spectrum in 2010, ensuring more options for Google services, Winogradoff said.

Engaged businesses to use Google's online applications and cloud computing infrastructure. Winogradoff said Google will develop a presence with small and mid-sized businesses at first, then migrate to larger companies, which could go to Google for back-office computing needs through a SaaS model.

Google is not doing all these things to compete directly with carriers or content developers but because Google "finds their business process to be an impediment to innovation and change," Winogradoff added.

Google's actions will have their biggest impact on carriers in the new service categories of cloud computing and entertainment content, and will hurt carrier revenues in traditional communications services (such as simple connectivity) by only 1% to 3%, Winogradoff said.