Frequently Asked Photo Questions for February


Is there a way to reset the photo counter on my digital cameras?--Michael Phillips, Bolingbrook, Illinois

The easiest way to reset the counter that determines how your photos are numbered is to format the memory card. In most digital cameras, when you reformat the memory card, the numbering system used in the photo file names resets to 1. In addition, some cameras have a menu option that lets you choose how to name your photos, so you might want to explore the camera menu or refer to the user guide.

I'd like to be able to carry around one camera for both video and stills, so I'm thinking about getting a digital SLR that can shoot HD video. But I'm confused about whether these cameras can autofocus when shooting video.--Tom McConnell, Summerville, South Carolina

It depends upon the camera, Tom, so you'll want to read the reviews or specifications for details. The first generation of HD video-compatible digital SLRs were not capable of autofocusing at all when shooting video--you'd need to focus before starting to record, and then manually focus during the shoot or just keep the same distance from the subject and hope for the best.