Free OpenShot Video Editor is Tremendous


By now you might be wondering about Jonathan Thomas, the very smart programmer who created OpenShot. gives some nice background information.

Here is another interview with Thomas that will be

Wondering how Gersom and Verity created those music videos mentioned above? Here is their story of how they came to make these videos:

"Verity and I (Gersom) have been using Linux Ubuntu for about two years now. It was first introduced to us by my brother who runs an 'open source solutions' company here in the Netherlands called At first I was really reluctant to use Linux since it required me to learn how to go about on a new operating system. I deemed Linux to be only for the 'tech savvy' sort of people. After being convinced to try it out (dual boot) I ended up preferring Linux due to its stability and customisability. Verity started using Linux soon after she tried it out on my desktop. We wanted to start making Youtube videos but I found that most Linux video editing programs either had a high learning curve (e.g. Cinelerra) or didn't have enough options and crashed a lot (Open Movie Editor). When my brother mentioned OpenShot, I thought I'd give it a try. It ended up working very well, but there are still some glitches which show that it is a work in progress. One of these being that it sometimes lags (not due to my computer hardware) and another being that when it upgrades, your old video projects close randomly while you're editing. There are work-arounds for this, but it can be frustrating.

We use a to shoot the videos and use a microphone + to record. One thing I really liked was that when I plugged in the Belkin Tune Studio in my computer as my recording device, it really was 'plug & play': I didn't have to install anything! It just worked: Go Linux! (The audio for these videos was recorded on a MacBook, but Belkin Tune Studio works fine on Linux.)