Five Website Blunders That Need to Die


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Usually the advice is to upgrade to a "newer version of Internet Explorer." This is laughable when I'm using the latest version of Google Chrome, and on a Mac computer, for which there hasn't been a . Less savvy Mac users might even download this old version of IE, opening themselves up to a world of misery and incompatibilities.

An online banking site I use still displays a Netscape Navigator favicon (the small icon that appears in bookmark lists) whenever I login with something other than IE. In other words, there are likely two versions of the site's code base: one for Internet Explorer, and one for Netscape Navigator. And Netscape Navigator hasn't been in regular use since the early 2000s.

Indeed, online banking sites are particularly guilty. Several pages at the Website , for example. You can create to find other offenders.

Sites That Redirect to Country-specific Sites Without Asking