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Lower risk and cost

DTTN reached its decision to outsource after an evaluation of the costs of performing IT operations internally versus externally. "Secondly and crucially it was clear that because of the provider's existing infrastructure, processes and skills, a partnership would present fewer risks to the successful launch of the DTTN service than the alternative option of developing the IT operations facilities internally," said Stokes.

The vendor evaluation involved a number of service providers with the final shortlist pitching Telstra-Kaz and an unnamed multinational carrier. Ultimate Telstra-Kaz was selected as being the most attractive option overall, for reasons of service quality, cost, and risk minimization, said Stokes

"DTTN is an e-Commerce platform whose livelihood and business success absolutely depends on our IT systems. Telstra-Kaz are hands-on and very attentive to our needs and have allowed us to achieve significant savings in our IT spend," said Stokes.

Key benefits from the arrangement include allowing DTTN to focus on core competencies and business and not worry about areas where it lacks expertise. Outsourcing helps to ease headcount and costs, and ensures that someone is ultimately accountable for the management and upkeep of the IT systems.