Facebook Invites More Comment on Policy Changes


Facebook said it is scrapping the section based on comments from its members. "After reviewing your comments to this proposed language, we decided that the additional provision we proposed was open to misinterpretation," . "The proposed change was intended to cover circumstances that may prevent us from providing our services. For instance, the Internet may go down, certain features may not be available in some locations, or a regime may block our service in their country."

In addition to asking for more comments on its SRR, Facebook also took the opportunity to address criticisms of the previous draft of the document.

For example, said changes in the SRR were designed to allow Facebook to expand its data collection activities from its members. Facebook said that isn't so. How it collects and uses data is governed by its Data Use Policy, which isn't changing at this time.

It's easy to understand how people can be confused by Facebook's moves. Throughout the SRR, all references to "privacy policy" -- the former name for the Data Use Policy --- were changed to Data Use Policy. That made some commenters believe that the SRR and Data Use Policy were the same document.

Replacing "privacy policy" with "data use policy" in the SRR was done to make the SRR consistent with the Data Use Policy, which was renamed in September 2011, Facebook explains.