Facebook gets devalued


Last June a judge said . You signed it, you own it. Now beat it.

Then ConnectU's original attorneys -- Quinn Emanuel Urquhart Oliver & Hedges -- published a brochure boasting how [PDF], thus breaking the seal on the agreement. California law journal earlier this week.

Associated Press tech reporter Michael Liedtke found the transcript of the legal discussion surrounding that decision. The court had redacted the bits in the PDF file relating to the amount of the settlement. But then , including the discussion about what Facebook thinks its own stock is worth.

(You can do it too -- it's fun for the whole family. Just open and look for sections marked "REDACTED.")

So now we know the whole story. And with characters like Divya, Plucky, and the Winky twins, it's like a fairy tale -- only in this case all the fairies seem to be attorneys, and there are no heroes, just villains.